One day a man was behind the counter of his business looking absently at the street. There, he observes a little girl who approached the establishment, pressing her little nose against the glass of the window. Her eyes, the color of the sky, shone when she saw an object. She entered the business and asked the man to see the blue turquoise necklace: "It's for my sister. Can you make me a pretty wrap?" Said the girl.
The owner of the business looked suspiciously at the little girl, and asked, "How much money do you have?" Without hesitating, she took a small handkerchief from her clothes pocket, from where she was undoing the knots. Smiling, she said, "Is this enough?" There were just a few coins which she proudly displayed, "You know, I want to give this gift to my older sister. Ever since our mother died, she takes care of us and does not have time for herself. Besides, it's her Birthday and I am sure she will be happy with the necklace that matches the color of her eyes". The man went into the back room, put the necklace in a box, wrapped it in his colorful red paper and put a green bow over it. “Take it with care” he said. She left happily running and jumping around.
The day was not yet over when a beautiful young woman with blond hair and bright blue eyes entered the business. She walked over to the counter and placed the already well-known red color wrap gift and inquire, "was this necklace bought here?". "It was milady," said the gentleman. "And how much was this?", the girl once again asked. "The price of any product in my store is always a confidential matter between the seller and the customer." The girl continues her line of question, "but my sister had only had some coins. The necklace is real, right? She would not have the money to pay for this."
The man took the case with the folded the red wrapping with extreme affection and re-placed the ribbon. Afterwards, he returned it back to the young woman. "She paid the highest price that anyone can afford. She gave everything she had”. Silence filled the little store, and two tears rolled over the girl's happy face as her hands took back the small case. A real donation is without restriction. The gratitude of the one who loves does not place limits on gestures of tenderness. Be ever grateful, but do not expect recognition from anyone. Gratitude with love will not only bring happiness to the person who receives it, but also comforts those who offer it. "Think about it". "Life improves with each passing day as long as you demonstrate a positive attitude."
Have a wonder day in the month of love and friendship
Best Wishes,
Cintora's Income Tax